About the Project Team:
This project was created by a group of CodeClan students (David Bujok, George Tegos, Lewis Ferguson) and their instructor (Pawel Orzechowski).
Most of us are looking for jobs in software development, so contact us if you would like to talk about this project or any other opportunities or initiatives.
About the Project:
Idea for this project started as a ‘scratch your own itch’ amongst a neighbourhood group in Willowbrae neighbourhood of Edinburgh. We needed a way to be reminded of our bin days, since most answers to ‘how do you know on which day to put your bins on the street’, most people said: “I have a paper printout of the council’s pdf on my fridge”, “I don’t know”, “I just look at what my neighbours are doing”. The most commonly mentioned ‘dream scenario’ was a phone reminder a night before the bin day.
Pawel who is a member of that community pitched the idea to a group of his CodeClan student who took it on. They have built the web scrapers, integrated the data, built the React Native app, and deployed it to the app stores.
This is very much a volunteer run project, so if you want to help, have any improvement suggestions, questions or opportunities for collaboration, please use the contact us form below.
About the Data:
Data is taken from publicly accessible websites of Edinburgh city council about the days when recycling bins are picked up (https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/bins-recycling). This app is in NO WAY associated with any government institution or activity, and does not represent a government entity. Still, council is doing amazing work with promoting and enabling recycling, and we wanted to add a little bit of our expertise to make it even easier for general public.
We also combined the datasets for various types of bins (packaging, glass, garden, food and landfill) into one calendar, for ease of use. As new streets are built, and data changes, we’ll do our best to update the app.
In the future we envisage including data from other areas (eg. Glasgow, and other local councils) and providing more information about recycling.
If you work with council, community group or would like to connect in any way, please talk to us: